Following the creation of the signature templates in the online portal, you will need to create a rule to apply the signature to a user or group.
If you do not have any existing rules, you will see the following screen - hit "Create a rule now" to add a new rule.
Rules are applied in priority order, ascending from 1.
This will display the following configuration screen - set a name and description as desired.
The Apply to option allows you to choose specific users, groups or domains (if you have multiple available) to apply this signature to. In order to select users or groups, you must have connected Signature 365 to your Office 365 tenant and imported users / groups.
The Match rule on Sender instead of From... tickbox is enabled by default and applies when sending emails from shared mailboxes. This option matches the rule based on the sender of an email, as opposed to the mailbox it is being sent from.
The Default signatures section allows you to choose how this rule should be applied - either New emails and replies/forwards, or Internal / External.
Dependent on the selection, the available options will apply signatures to New / Reply, or Internal / External. The default signature for each selection can be chosen from the dropdown box.
An Internal / External is determined by the recipient addresses, and will always apply the external signature if any recipient is not a member of your Exchange email domains.
Use details of sender instead of from..... tickbox is enabled by default and configures the rule to use the details of the mail account sending the email when sent from a shared mailbox, as opposed to using the details of the additional mailbox. This allows email sent from a shared mailbox to display information about the user sending on behalf of the shared mailbox.
Allow users to change default signatures is disabled by default - this allows users assigned to this rule to select their default signature if they have been assigned additional signatures.
Additional signatures allows you to configure multiple signatures to be made available for this rule, if you have more than one signature available.
The "Stop processing more rules" option is used to prevent rules of a lower priority from being applied to a user, group or domain when this rule is triggered.
Hit the "create rule" to create the rule