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Enabling server-side injection in Signature 365


You initially configured client-side signatures only but now wish to also enable server-side signatures.


You can enable server-side injection after the initial integration process by following the steps below.


You will require an account with Global Administrator permissions on your Microsoft 365 tenant to complete these steps

  • Log on to the Signature 365 portal and navigate to the Integrations tab.
  • Select the Configure option from the Microsoft 365 card

  • Select the Enable option from the Signature injection section on the top right of the page

  • You will be prompted to configure the SPF records for your mail domains. It is important that this is completed to ensure that mail routed through the Signature 365 servers is not marked as spam by your recipients.

    When you are happy this is completed, click next to continue. It can take time for your provider's DNS configuration to propagate

  • Select if you would like to apply this to all users, or specific members of a group. It is only possible to select a single group as part of this process.


    If you wish to restrict by group, the group must be a Mail-enabled security group as required by Exchange Online

  • Click Manual setup or Automated setup as desired. Manual setup will require you to download a PowerShell script and run this on your machine
  • If using the automated setup, click Authorise to sign in to Microsoft 365
  • The setup process will create the required Inbound and Outbound Connectors and a Transport Rule to enable server-side injection with the settings you have specified. When this completes, hit Next

  • Select Authorise to enable Sent items update or skip this step if not required

  • Click Complete setup to complete the setup. All emails sent (from the specified group if selected) without a client-side signature will now be sent via server-side injection and have the user's default signature inserted

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