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Signature 365 Transport Agent Debug Log File


You may be asked by our support team to generate a debug log file for the Signature 365 Transport Agent.


Use the following steps to generate a detailed log file from the Signature 365 Transport Agent:


  • On your Exchange Server (where the transport agent is installed), start regedit and navigate to the following registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symprex\Signature 365 Transport Agent
  • Create the following entries:

    Name: Log File
    Type: String
    Value: Leave blank for the time being

    Name: Verbose Logging
    Type: String
    Value: True

    Name: Raw Data Logging
    Type: String
    Value: True

    Note: At this stage, no log file is being created.
  • Create a folder C:\Temp and ensure all users have read/write access to it.
  • On a mobile device, prepare to send a test email that will invoke the unwanted behaviour but do not send it as this point.
  • On the Exchange Server, using regedit, set the following entry:

    Name: Log File
    Value: C:\Temp\S365.TransportAgent.LogFile.txt

    Note: This will cause the Transport Agent to start logging to a file C:\Temp\S365.TransportAgent.LogFile.txt; it will grow large very quickly depending on the throughput of your server, so it should be configured for the shortest time possible to keep the log concise.
  • Send the test email from the mobile device. Once it has been delivered, verify that the incorrect behaviour has occurred; this will ensure the log file has captured what the Transport Agent did when the email was processed.
  • In regedit, clear the value of the Log File entry (this will stop any further information being written to the log file).
  • Locate the file C:\Temp\S365.TransportAgent.LogFile.txt, zip it up and email it to us.


Important: Whilst logging is enabled, the details of all emails that are processed by the Transport Agent will be recorded. Therefore, wherever possible, it is recommended that this procedure is followed at a time when the Exchange Server is not busy to keep the log file as short and as concise as possible.


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PrevUnable to contact the Signature 365 service when using the Add-in with an on-premise mailbox