Signature, Campaign and Disclaimer templates now feature revisions and a draft mode in order to enable you to edit your existing templates without immediately affecting the deployed version of the template.
This functionality is enabled for all tenants; this allows the option to save your changes as a draft or publish directly to live, replacing the current template.
You must publish a template in order update the template. Draft versions are not automatically published on save
Revisions enabled:
Your Signature, Campaign and Disclaimer templates will display an indicator showing if the latest version is in draft, published or published with a more decent draft:
When editing the signature, if revisions exist, you will see the Revisions button at the top right of the page.
Clicking this will allow you to see all previous revisions of a template; in the example below you can see the current draft being worked on, the current published version of the template, and previous versions of the template.
Clicking the Continue editing button on a draft will take you back to the template design page, where you can then save and publish the template.
Selecting an older revision from the list will display a comparison with the currently live version. To publish the older revision, click the Restore button. This will create a new draft version of the restored template which you can then edit.
Please note that it is not possible to delete previously published templates.