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How to install the Exchange Agent


You wish to use Signature 365 to deploy signatures to the on-premise Exchange component of your hybrid Exchange / Office 365 configuration.


The Signature 365 Exchange Agent allows you to add signatures to your on-premise Exchange mailboxes in the same way as the Signature 365 service for Microsoft 365.


The Exchange agent must be installed on all internal Exchange servers handling mailflow for your domain. If this is not completed, any email routed through a server without the agent installed will not have a signature inserted.

You can download the agent from the following link.

The software will need to be installed on your on-premise exchange server. The installation process will request the Exchange transport service to be restarted to allow integration. If this is denied the server will require rebooting before the agent can function.

Once installed, you will need to generate a secret key to integrate with Signature 365. Log on to Signature 365 and go to Integrations and click Enable on the Exchange option.

Click Enable on the following screen.

When the secret has generated, click Copy to copy this to your clipboard, and then click Next to finish the process.

Return to the server where you have installed the Exchange agent, and paste the secret key into the configuration dialog. Click Test Connection to test the link to Signature 365.


System requirements

Windows Server:

  • Windows Server 2012 or later

Exchange Server:

  • Exchange Server 2013 CU21 or later
  • Exchange Server 2016 CU11 or later
  • Exchange Server 2019 RTM or later

.NET Framework:

  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later

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